Cool Ways To Celebrate Your Bucks Party
So your best bud’s getting married and you’ve just been asked to be the best man. You’re honoured, of course, but now you’ve got a challenge on your hands: the buck’s party. You ask yourself, “how can I make this night as memorable as possible?”.
That’s where we come in. At Stubbys Online, we’re not just known for our awesome buck’s party stubby holders — we’re also experts at party planning, and we’re here to offer you a few cool ideas on how you can celebrate your mate’s last night of freedom.
The initial planning
You’re in charge of planning, but remember that it’s the groom you’ll be celebrating. It’s his night, so you must keep his preferences in mind.
Here are a few key things you should do:
- Make a list of people to inviteYou may be part of his inner circle, but don’t assume that you know every single one of his friends and colleagues. Have the groom look over your list and ask if there are other people he’d like to invite.
- Ask about guest preferencesDo you have guests that have special dietary requirements or need disability assistance? Do they have certain quirks, like religious and moral views, that prevent them from participating in some activities? It’s always best to know these things beforehand.
- Confirm the groom’s “do-not” listNot all forms of entertainment are entertaining, the groom might dislike or even hate certain types of activities. Be sure to know his preferences and allow those to take precedence. You don’t have to give anything away, but you must know about things he’d prefer not to do.
That said, most grooms give complete control to their best man when planning a buck’s party. With that level of trust, let’s look at ways you can celebrate based on their personality.
For the introvert
Introverts are notorious for shying away from large gatherings, preferring to celebrate alone or in a more intimate setting. We have a couple of ideas you might want to consider.
- Game night — This could be especially fun for the geeky and nerdy introvert. You could go the board game route or play video games as a group. It’s a great way to have a laid-back celebration where you can chill, relax and maybe reminisce about the groom’s single life.
- Party boat cruise — Think outside the box and book a night on a party boat. You don’t even have to do anything wild. Some party boats offer BBQ cruises, so you and your mates can grill your favourite cuts of meat and enjoy a beer or two. You’ll need souvenirs, and we’ve got a selection of buck’s party stubby holder ideas you can use for inspiration.
For the party animal
On the flip side, your best buddy might be the wildest party animal in your friend group. In that case, you can definitely go as crazy as possible. Think The Hangover, just maybe without the tiger. Or the baby.
You’ve got a few traditional choices that are still considered wild these days, like going to a strip club or a pub crawl. Either way, we’re sure you’re in for an evening of self-indulgence — whether you remember it the next day is another story altogether. Commemorate the evening with a buck’s party stubby holder that you can personalise so you’ll at least have something to remember it by.
For the adventurer
Is your mate the sporty type? Likes being active and exploring new things? Here’s a list of a few activities that are gaining popularity as buck’s party ideas:
- Barefoot bowls
- Axe-throwing
- Paintball competition
- Clay shooting
- Sport fishing
You can even plan a whole-day affair where you can start with any of these activities and then end the night with a party filled with fun and free-flowing tipples.
Don’t forget your buck’s party stubby holders
Regardless of which activity you go for, we’re sure you’re going to need lots of perfectly chilled drinks. The perfect way to do this, and to remember a buck’s party for the rest of your lives, is with one of our personalised stubby holders that’s worth every penny.
Every Stubbys Online stubby holder is manufactured with top-grade raw materials and in-house printing expertise — your satisfaction is guaranteed every time.
Browse samples of our buck’s party stubby holders, or shoot us a message if you have questions today!